AHDB transfers royalties to horticulture industry
4th January 2024
As part of the wind down of all AHDB Horticulture activities, the levy board is transferring the royalties from the commercialisation of two levy-funded research projects.

Defra ministers have agreed with the AHDB board’s recommendation to re-assign the royalties to appropriate industry grower associations, in line with the horticulture sub-sector where the original levy-funded research investments came from.
The royalties were from the following projects:
- Strawberry breeding: As a member of the former East Malling Strawberry Breeding Club, AHDB Horticulture has been receiving a share in some of the released strawberry varieties, paying annual royalties to AHDB of circa £85,000 (average over six years to 2021). The AHDB shares have been transferred to British Berry Growers (BBG)
- Jasmonic acid: AHDB Horticulture is a 25% royalty partner with Lancaster University on Jasmonic Acid, paying annual royalties to AHDB of circa £40,000. This has been transferred to the British Protected Ornamental Association (BPOA).
The wind-down process was instigated following the result of a ballot of Horticulture levy payers in May 2021. This process involved:
- Transferring of EAMU and EA services to a new company, Horticulture Crop Protection Limited
- The completion of more than 78 research contracts so benefit is not lost to the industry
- The creation of a legacy website allowing access for the industry to past technical research.