Bayer to showcase strength of R&D pipeline at Fruit Focus
31st May 2023
Bayer will use its presence at Fruit Focus 2023 to showcase the strength of its portfolio in protecting soft and top fruit crops from the effects of pests and disease, while giving a preview of the products and services being developed for future seasons.

Richard Phillips, Bayer campaign manager for root crops and horticulture
Strawberry growers have long appreciated the strengths of products such as Luna Sensation (fluopyram + trifloxystrobin), Teldor (fenhexamid) and Sonata (Bacillus pumilus strain QST2808) in protecting against diseases such as Botrytis cincera and powdery mildew, while apple and pear growers have relied on insecticides such as Flipper (fatty acids C7-C20) and Batavia (spirotetramat) to protect against sucking and chewing pests.
To support growers and their advisers, Bayer will share learnings from trials in which these products have been positioned at different stages to optimise their contributions.
In addition to making the best use of available products, Bayer will give an update on the regulatory situation of its new fungicide for use in apples and pears, Luna Care (fluopyram + fosetyl-aluminium) and its pipeline insecticide featuring a new mode of action with no known resistance.
“As one of the world’s leading R&D manufacturers, Bayer has a proud history of being at the forefront of innovation. In addition to crop protection products, Bayer is developing ResiYou, a program to help growers manage product applications within the bounds of residues,” says Mr Phillips.
You can find Bayer on Stand 26 at this year’s Fruit Focus event.