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UTV fleet improves efficiency and protects the ground

The addition of a Corvus heavy-duty, load carrying UTV to a large Kent vineyard’s machinery fleet proved so successful that within a short time two more were added, and further purchases are expected. David Williams saw the machines at work in November.

The latest tech in the fight against frost risk

While frost control across the pond can involve significant investments, with huge commercial vineyards even employing helicopters to force warmer air downwards, here in the UK this just can’t be justified. So, what are your options?

Grapes: Exploring varieties for still and sparkling wines

The UK viticulture sector has changed considerably in the last 30 years in terms of landscape, climate and wine styles and the future presents further opportunities. Joel Jorgensen, viticulture director at Vinescapes, looks at three grape varieties; Pinot Gris, Meunier and Gamay, whose plantings are on the increase

Apples: Stewarding heritage varieties

Fruit & Vine asked Tom Adams (AKA ‘Tom the Apple Man’) to discuss two heritage apple varieties this issue – although choosing just two varieties proved a challenge, as he explains

Early season nutrition: Mitigating the impacts of extreme weather

Agronomist Mike Wainwright of Hortifeeds discusses the importance of managing plant stress in an extreme, unpredictable and constantly evolving climate

SWD-resistant soft fruit varieties could add to armoury of control methods

Work has begun to develop strawberry and raspberry varieties resistant to spotted wing drosophila (SWD), a key problem pest in soft and stone fruit, with initial results showing promise that a new milestone in fly control may be within reach.

Seasonal worker visas “a positive step forward” for horticulture industry

The government has confirmed 45,000 visas for seasonal workers will be available for businesses next year – an uplift of 15,000 compared to what was available in early 2022.

Sterile insect technique to become available for SWD control

So far unavailable to growers due to high costs, sterile insect technique, an effective and chemical-free method for controlling spotted wing drosophila (SWD), will be launched commercially in 2023 by insect control solutions company BigSis.

Up to 60% reduction in SWD control costs with new food bait adjuvant

Field trials have shown that using ProBandz, a new food bait adjuvant for spotted wing drosophila (SWD) control, is significantly more cost-effective than full foliar sprays while being harmless to pollinators and other beneficial insects.

Canopy apple variety: “a better alternative to Granny Smith”

Canopy is a juicy and crisp apple with a complex flavour profile that not only rivals Granny Smith, but its resistance to scab makes it a better alternative for growers, the variety’s breeder Dalival has claimed.

Level up the sustainability of your fruit enterprise with Growing Kent & Medway funding

Keen to help businesses in the fight towards net zero, the innovation hub Growing Kent & Medway (GKM) is offering a number of funding opportunities to horticultural, food and drink enterprises wanting to take sustainability to the next level.

New funding pot for automation and robotics in ag and horticulture sectors

Defra is inviting growers, businesses and researchers to apply for a share of the £12.5 million funding, for projects focused on cutting-edge innovations to boost productivity, reduce labour demands and create more sustainable practices.

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