New agronomy guide for vineyard growers launches  - Fruit & Vine

New agronomy guide for vineyard growers launches 

A comprehensive guide to vineyard agronomy and accompanying support service has been launched by Hutchinsons to help newcomers to this rapidly expanding sector. 

The Hutchinsons Vineyard Guide launches as a comprehensive tool for vineyard agronomy and accompanying support service.
Stock photo.

The Hutchinsons Vineyard Guide is primarily aimed at new growers coming into the sector, but it also provides a useful ‘aide memoir’ to those with more experience, the firm’s Kent-based agronomist, Rob Saunders, said. 

Divided into six easy-to-read sections, the ring-binder guide covers everything from soil preparation before planting, rootstock selection and ongoing nutrition, through to pest, disease, and weed control.  

There is also advice on sprayer calibration and tank mix sequences, plus conversion tables and an annually updated section listing approved crop protection materials, along with an outline spray programme.

Sustainable, high-quality agronomy advice and ongoing support 

Mr Saunders said: “There are now more than 1,000 vineyards registered in the UK, and a lot of those are quite small sites, perhaps covering just a couple of acres, where growers may not necessarily be able to justify full in-person agronomy support. 

“This guide is part of a new service Hutchinsons is offering to provide those smaller-scale growers with access to sustainable, high-quality agronomy advice and ongoing support. 

“Seasons such as the one just gone have really highlighted the importance of good crop management and well-planned crop protection in maintaining a productive vineyard,” he adds. 

Figures from WineGB published earlier this year put the number of registered UK vineyards 9% up on last year at 1,030, covering some 4,209 ha, a growth of 123% in 10 years.  

The average size is around 4 ha, but this masks considerable variation, from large commercial producers to relatively small-scale sites covering less than a hectare, where vine growing is more of a diversification activity for the main farming business or perhaps a lifestyle choice. 

Any growers that would like to receive a copy of the free guide should register via the Hutchinsons website

Hutchinsons said that for those wanting additional agronomy support, there is an option to sign up for a tailored subscription package, costing just £285/year, which includes a copy of the Hutchinsons Vineyard Guide and any updates, plus one leaf/petiole analysis each year, monthly agronomy bulletins, telephone agronomy support, and the option for in-person visits during the season (as a chargeable extra). 

The 2025 crop protection update for the Hutchinsons Vineyard Guide will be free to all those that registered for a copy, although a charge will normally apply to subsequent updates as part of the subscription package. 

To register your interest in the agronomy subscription package, please contact

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