NIAB soft fruit technical webinar to explore latest fruit research - Fruit & Vine

NIAB soft fruit technical webinar to explore latest fruit research

This year’s annual NIAB soft fruit technical webinar will present the latest research into microclimate management, nutrient delivery, yield prediction and pest control, as well as updates on the performance of Malling fruit varieties.

The online event will take place from 9.45am to 3.30pm on 30th November and is free to attend for all those with an interest in the soft fruit industry. Last year’s event attracted large audiences from across the UK and abroad, who have all benefitted from exchanging knowledge and ideas via the virtual platform, NIAB says.

The webinar will feature presentations on a wide range of topics relating to innovative growing systems, insect management, and sustainability.

Attendants will learn about the NIAB’s extensive research carried out at its Water Efficient Technologies (WET) Centre at East Malling in Kent. The Centre’s work focuses on developing and demonstrating best practice growing systems for the UK soft fruit industry, such as polytunnels.

NIAB will also present studies on root rot in raspberries and improving the management and control of aphids and thrips in soft fruit crops. Moreover, there will be extensive coverage of ongoing spotted wing drosophila research with updates on control methods and emerging resistance.

Finally, NIAB will share results from the recent performance of its new Malling strawberry and raspberry varieties as well as findings from studies on year-round strawberry production and light optimisation.

Spaces for the event are available on a first come, first served basis and registration closes on Monday 28th November. NIAB knowledge exchange manager Scott Raffle commented:

“I encourage everyone with an interest in soft fruit production to attend, to keep abreast of some really exciting new findings in a range of research and demonstration projects being managed by NIAB at East Malling and elsewhere.”

To register for the webinar and view the full programme, visit:

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