Welsh ‘pick your own fruit’ farm asks customers to pay before eating - Fruit & Vine

Welsh ‘pick your own fruit’ farm asks customers to pay before eating

Owners of a ‘pick your own fruit’ farm located in Wales issued a plea to its customers, as they lose money when people eat strawberries before paying. 

Owners of Vale Pick Your Own, in Bonvilston, Vale of Glamorgan, said they noticed trend of people eating their strawberries before paying.
Stock photo.

The owners of Vale Pick Your Own, in Bonvilston, Vale of Glamorgan, said that they have noticed a concerning trend on social media of people eating their strawberries while picking. 

They said: “Unfortunately, this is significantly impacting our small family business, especially during our busier time.  

“We understand that it might seem harmless, but consuming strawberries before purchasing is equivalent to taking products without paying in a shop or eating without paying in a café.” 

Maintaining steady supply

The farm owners added that they have planted enough strawberries to ensure they can stay open six days a week, but, unfortunately, they are now running out of fruits and are forced to close.  

“To ensure everyone has a fair chance to enjoy our strawberries, we kindly ask that you refrain from eating them before paying.  

“Your cooperation will help us maintain a steady supply for all our lovely customers.  

“If we see anyone eating strawberries in the fields, we’ll regrettably have to ask you to leave,” the Vale Pick Your Own message reads. 

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